Expanded Polystyrene

EPS Fishboxes

Light, strong, cool solutions for the fish supply chain

EPS is 98% air
EPS is 100% recyclable

A day in the life of a fish box

With year-on-year production growing by more than 10% – and the UK’s weekly fish consumption predicted to grow from 8 million kg last year to 9.23 million kg by 2030 – the EPS Group decided to expose the secret life of the polystyrene fish box and its role in protecting the 657,000 tonnes of fish landed at UK ports and fish farms every year.

The film includes scenes shot at dawn at London’s Billingsgate where the ubiquitous fish box is acknowledged by merchants as a critical factor in keeping seafood fresh and safe and thereby reducing food wastage. Billingsgate also leads the way in ensuring that all the fish boxes left over at the end of the day are compacted for recycling.

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EUMEPS is the association for European Manufacturers of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS)EUMEPS is the association for European Manufacturers of Expanded Polystyrene. It represents converters of expandable polystyrene (EPS) to lobby and promote their interests in Europe. EUMEPS navigates the political and regulatory landscape in Europe and ensure that our voice is heard and the benefits of EPS as a construction and packaging material is understood.

EUMEPS’s vision as an association is simple: “To present a unified industry with a strong image and powerful voice”. This is done by providing a comprehensive service to all our members, allowing them to benefit from collective resources, knowledge and expertise in strategic areas of relevance to the industry.

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